

Meet Benny, co-host of the Via Stoica Podcast and your Stoic coach. Benny's mission is to help you explore obstacles and discover new perspectives, using the ancient wisdom of Stoicism. His journey is one of curiosity and excellent listening skills, placing your needs at the center of your path to a more peaceful life.

Benny's approach is rooted in overcoming personal challenges, like his journey to sobriety. He leverages these experiences to provide a unique take on Stoic topics and their lessons.

Certified in life coaching and expanding his expertise with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Benny's decade-long teaching career equips him to adapt to any situation. His coaching is grounded in practical Stoicism, focused on virtue, control, and living in the present.

Join Benny on the Via Stoica Podcast to explore how understanding and accepting emotions can lead to personal growth and peace. Embark on your journey to a better life with Benny as your guide.
